The history of Drosophila studies: steps in the development of genetics. N. N. Yurchenko, A. V. Ivannikov, I. K. Zakharov


Experimental genetic studies of Drosophila were initiated by T.H. Morgan in 1910, when he discovered the sex-linked white-eyed mutation, white. This discovery commenced the transformation of Mendel’s “hereditary factors” to more specific but no less enigmatic W.L. Johanssen’s “genes”. Owing to Drosophila’s biologic features, it became a universal eukaryotic model for genetic, embryological, morphological, physiological, molecular, and cellular studies. Actually, the history of discoveries done on Drosophila species reflects the course
of genetics development. That was Drosophila studies to lay foundation for genetic notions of the nature of genes, genetic linkage, mitotic and meiotic chromosome segregation, mechanisms governing mutagenesis and recombination, genetic instability, mobile genetic elements, regularities and genetics of individual development, and microevolutionary processes in populations. The paper considers steps and milestones of genetics development by examples of the American and Russian genetic schools. The American genetics was characterized by “reductionism”, whereas the Russian genetics was inclined to “cosmism”, where emphasis was placed on the understanding of macroevolutionary processes. Drosophila has become a test ground to try new genetic methods, and its studies contribute much to biomedical science. The paper outlines several top priority fields in modern Drosophila studies.

About The Authors:

N. N. Yurchenko. Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, Russian Federation

A. V. Ivannikov. Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, Russian Federation

I. K. Zakharov. Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, Russian Federation


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