Our overview of the global practice of breeding chinchillas systematizes information about performance and reproduction conditions that determine the profitability of fur farms. Captive chinchillas are polygamous and polyestrous. Seasonal differences in the organosomatic indexes, the number of spermatozoids in males, and the duration of the sexual cycle of females predetermine preservation of the seasonal habit of reproduction. Chinchillas retain their reproductive ability for 15 years. To save offspring, it is important to avoid premature mating of females younger than 6 months. Although 10–16 follicles ripen in the ovary of a chinchilla female, their average annual fecundity is 2.2–4 puppies per year. In accordance with the natural annual rhythm, a female chinchilla typically produces two litters, being able to have 1-3 litters annually. The interval between whelpings depends on photoperiod, illumination, and age of females. Too frequent whelpings exhaust the female organism and reduce its period of reproduction. Litter size is affected by the genotype and conformation of animals, as well as by paratypic factors acting during pregnancy and whelping. Proper selection of females and males is essential for fecundity improvement. To improve the fecundity of chinchillas, use of reproductive technologies is recommended, including electroejaculation, sperm cryopreservation, estrus induction, hormonal stimulation of ovulation, and others. The profitability of commercial breeding of chinchillas is dependent largely on the improvement of both qualitative (color) and quantitative (fecundity) traits, which is important for Russian fur farming.
About The Authors:
M. V. Novikov. Skryabin State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia, Russian Federation
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