Author Archives: morkovina

Development of new SSR markers for homoeologous WFZP loci based on the study of structure and location of microsatellites in gene-rich regions of chromosomes 2AS , 2BS, 2DS. O. B. Dobrovolskaya, C. Pont, Yu. L. Orlov, J. Salse

Abstract: Microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (SSRs), are ubiquitous in genomes of eukaryotes, including plant genomes. The structure and location of SSR loci determine their potential as molecular genetic markers and may have impact on the potential function of microsatellites in important biological processes. Identification and …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи Development of new SSR markers for homoeologous WFZP loci based on the study of structure and location of microsatellites in gene-rich regions of chromosomes 2AS , 2BS, 2DS. O. B. Dobrovolskaya, C. Pont, Yu. L. Orlov, J. Salse отключены

The modulating effect of coat color mutations on the generation and neutralization of reactive oxygen species in the Аmerican mink (Neovison vison) as a model. S. N. Sergina, V. A. Ilyukha, I. V. Baishnikova, T. N. Ilyina

Abstract: The influence of gene mutations encoding coat color on parameters of reactive oxygen species (RO S) generation and neutralization in six organs of the mink (Neovison vison) was evaluated. The study was conducted with standard dark brown (+/+), monorecessive royal pastel (b/b) and silver-blue (р/р), …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи The modulating effect of coat color mutations on the generation and neutralization of reactive oxygen species in the Аmerican mink (Neovison vison) as a model. S. N. Sergina, V. A. Ilyukha, I. V. Baishnikova, T. N. Ilyina отключены

Reproductive performance and increased fecundity in the chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger Molina). M. V. Novikov, N. N. Shumilina

Abstract: Our overview of the global practice of breeding chinchillas systematizes information about performance and reproduction conditions that determine the profitability of fur farms. Captive chinchillas are polygamous and polyestrous. Seasonal differences in the organosomatic indexes, the number of spermatozoids in males, and the duration of the sexual …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи Reproductive performance and increased fecundity in the chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger Molina). M. V. Novikov, N. N. Shumilina отключены

The Canis tangle: a systematics overview and taxonomic recommendations. V. Dinets

Abstract: Despite high research interest, the systematics and taxonomy of mammalian genus Canis are among the most convoluted and controversial: species boundaries are blurred and incongruent with any existing species concept, while genetic differences between species are low. I provide an overview of existing controversies, the …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи The Canis tangle: a systematics overview and taxonomic recommendations. V. Dinets отключены

Application of reproductive technologies to the improvement of dairy cattle genomic selection. N. S. Yudin, K. I. Lukyanov, M. I. Voevoda, N. A. Kolchanov

Abstract: Genomic selection is a direction of breeding in which the value of an animal is predicted from DNA markers evenly covering the entire genome. This review summarizes information on modern trends in the genomic selection of dairy cattle and on application of reproductive technologies …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи Application of reproductive technologies to the improvement of dairy cattle genomic selection. N. S. Yudin, K. I. Lukyanov, M. I. Voevoda, N. A. Kolchanov отключены

Efficient method for identification of Escherichia coli strains isolated from various chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) organs. V. P. Terletskiy, V. I. Tyshchenko, O. B. Novikova, E. D. Dzhavadov, I. Ya. Shakhtamirov, N. L. Adaev

Abstract: Tracing of transmission routes and identification of pathogen sources are important issues in preventive measures aimed at controlling human and animal infectious diseases. A fast and accurate method for bacterial strain identification (genotyping) allows scientifically sound planning of preventive schemes. Despite the existence of numerous …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи Efficient method for identification of Escherichia coli strains isolated from various chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) organs. V. P. Terletskiy, V. I. Tyshchenko, O. B. Novikova, E. D. Dzhavadov, I. Ya. Shakhtamirov, N. L. Adaev отключены

Expression profiles of long and short RNA s in the cytoplasm and nuclei of growing chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) oocytes. A. V. Krasikova, A. V. Fedorov

Abstract: Maternal RNAs accumulated during oocyte maturation are required not only for zygote formation but also for supporting the first embryonic cell divisions until embryo genome activation. Essential stages of transcriptome analysis include adaptation of RNA extraction procedures and characterization of the RNA expression profile. Ovaries …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи Expression profiles of long and short RNA s in the cytoplasm and nuclei of growing chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) oocytes. A. V. Krasikova, A. V. Fedorov отключены

Glucocorticoid receptor: translocation from the cytoplasm to the nuclei, chromatin and intranuclear chaperone cycles. V. M. Merkulov, N. V. Klimova, T. I. Merkulova

Abstract: Glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor, involved in the regulation of hundreds of genes. In the absence of any ligand, GR resides in the cytoplasm where it is sequestered in a multimeric chaperone complex consisting of hsp90, hsp70, p23, Hop, FKBP51, FKBP52, …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи Glucocorticoid receptor: translocation from the cytoplasm to the nuclei, chromatin and intranuclear chaperone cycles. V. M. Merkulov, N. V. Klimova, T. I. Merkulova отключены

DNA repair in cancer stem cells as a factor for glioma resistance to radiotherapy. Yu. S. Makusheva, G. L. Dianov

Abstract: Gliomas are brain tumors originating from glial cells and their precursor cells. In spite of currently used therapy, patient survival remains very poor. The main reason for dismal prognosis is the high level of tumor recurrence because of resistance …

Posted in Tom 19-3 | Комментарии к записи DNA repair in cancer stem cells as a factor for glioma resistance to radiotherapy. Yu. S. Makusheva, G. L. Dianov отключены

Epigenetic «probes» for lung cancer monitoring: LINE-1 methylation pattern in blood- circulating DNA. A. A. Ponomaryova, Е. Y. Rykova, N. V. Cherdyntseva, A. A. Bondar, A. Y. Dobrodeev, A. A. Zavyalov, S. A. Tuzikov, L. O. Bryzgalov, T. I. Merkulova, V. V. Vlassov, P. P. Laktionov

Abstract: Malignant cell transformation is accompanied by two processes of DNA methylation changes: promoter hypermethylation of specific genes and hypomethylation of retrotransposons. The composition of circulating DNA (cirDNA) from plasma and cell-surface-bound circulating DNA (csb- cirDNA) was shown earlier to be altered …

Posted in Tom 19-1 | Комментарии к записи Epigenetic «probes» for lung cancer monitoring: LINE-1 methylation pattern in blood- circulating DNA. A. A. Ponomaryova, Е. Y. Rykova, N. V. Cherdyntseva, A. A. Bondar, A. Y. Dobrodeev, A. A. Zavyalov, S. A. Tuzikov, L. O. Bryzgalov, T. I. Merkulova, V. V. Vlassov, P. P. Laktionov отключены